You need to answer all the questions on the checklist to get a result

Are stoves working and clean?

Are ovens working and clean?

Is ventilation hoods clean?

Are cupboards outside clean?

Are cupboards inside is clean?

Are flours/rice containers in order and clean?

Is daily refrigerator working and clean, and are FEFO/FIFO respected?

Is garbage containers closed and clean?

Are cooking pots/pans in sufficient number and clean?

Is dishwasher in impeccable condition and working?

Is prepared food kept above 65°C or below 4°C?

Are defrosting operations done in the refrigerator in a temperature between 0°C and 4°C?

Have hand washing sinks cold/hot water and are they stocked with paper/towels/soap dispenser?

Do all sinks drain properly?. Are floor drain in good working order and clined routinery?

Are colored cutting boards available and are correctly used?

Are hazardous substances (chemicals/cleaning supplies) properly labeled and stored away from products?

Are cleaning equipment and soiled linens properly stored?

Are damaged or unlabeled food products properly stored for disposal or returned to supplier?

Is baking mixer machine working and clean?

Is slicing machine working and clean?

Is mixer working and clean?

Is kitchen scale working and clean?

Is tin opener working and clean?

Is meat/cheese/brad grinder working and clean?

Is electrical frying pan working and clean?

Is bonesaw working and clean?

Are available at least 2 refrigerator rooms 0°C/4°C ?

Is easly rilevable the termperature?

Is temperature below 4°C?

Is it present a temperature log?

Are plastic grating in order and clean ?

Are prepared food covered?

Are shelves in order and clean?

Is refrigerator gasket in order?

Is door handle clean?

Is fans clean and dust free?

Are FEFO/FIFO respected?

Is present an expiry date report of the items stored in the refrigerator room?

Are fresh fruits and vegetables properly stoked?

Have been foodstuff delivered in appropriate packaging?

Are items stored in the correct refrigerator room and whith cover?

Is light working?

Are available at least 2 freezer rooms?

Is easly rilevable the termperature?

Is temperature below -18°C ?

Is it present a temperature log?

Are plastic grating in order and clean?

Are shelves in order and clean?

Is freezer gasket in order?

Are the freezer rooms free from ice?

Is door handle clean?

Is fans clean and dust free?

Are all items inside original cases?

Are all cases labeled with product name and expiry date?

Of each item only 1 box/pack opened?

Are FEFO/FIFO respected?

Is present an expiry date report of the items stored in the refrigerator room?

Is light working?

Are shelves in order and clean?

Is floor clean?

Is the room temperature between 15°C and 25°C and the room is ventilated?

Are FEFO/FIFO respected?

Of each item only 1 box/pack opened?

Aren't food items stored directly on floor?

Are similar items grouped together?

Are flours/pasta/rice/legumes conserved in a properly cupboard?

Is present an expiry date report of the items stored in the refrigerator room?

Aren't blown/dented/oxidated tins?

Aren't signs of rodent/insect infestation?

Are cleaning supplies stored in separate area?

Is lights working?

Do you have a sensation of a cleaning and ordinated place entering in the kitchen?

Is daily cleaning schedule completed and followed?

Are correct handwashing procedures followed?

Are paper towels and soap dispenser available and filled?

Are all floor/walls and work areas clean?

Are all work tables and drawers clean?

Do employees wearing clean/appropriate uniforms/hair covered?

Is cross-contamination avoided during preparation (hands and equipment washed between uses)?

Are food contact surfaces cleaned and sanitized after use?

Is lavatory clean?

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