Industries Overview
You need to answer all the questions on the checklist to get a result
Do the exterior appearance of the storefronts and windows facing the street or mall (clean, without damages) meet the standards?
Do all the signs work properly and are they intact (is the lighting working, are the signs whole and not broken)?
Is the studio entrance not cluttered with other goods?
Is the banner on the shopping center allowed and in clear, non-faded condition?
Is the sign on the shopping center in good condition, lit up and not flashing, if it is allowed?
Do the exterior appearance of the storefronts and windows facing the street or mall have no damages?
Is the appearance of the storefronts and windows facing the street or mall gallery (clean)?
Is there current information about federal actions displayed on the storefronts and stained glass windows?
Are the tiles and railings on the porch in good condition?
Is the entrance properly arranged (working hours, stickers on the glass door, replacing the yellow circle for people with disabilities, open/closed, stickers about payment methods and accepted payment cards)?
Can you navigate to the studio with the presence of quality and clear landmarks in the shopping center?
Is the banner and sign on the shopping center allowed and in good condition?
Is there an information board with the necessary list of documents present in the studio?
Are the walls of the studio in good condition and clean?
Do all the ceiling lights and display lighting in each exhibit work?
Are the floors in the studio clean?
Is the floor covering free of defects such as chips and cracks?
Are the exhibition samples clean?
Do the exhibition samples have no complaints? (Check the 3 presented samples)
Do the samples and the inside of the samples have no foreign objects?
Does the absence of unnecessary information and unauthorized announcements exist?
Do unoccupied commercial spaces not exist?
Is the temperature comfortable in the trading hall?
Is order maintained and are there no foreign objects in the utility rooms?
Is the cooler functional and equipped with all necessary components?
Art thou coffee machine and kettle (clean, functional)?Answer:
Are the cables from the office equipment at the designers' workstations bundled together?
Is the designers' workspace functional, free of extraneous objects, with a second monitor in working order and positioned for comfortable client participation in the design process?
Do the designers have personal belongings at their workplace, such as a mobile phone or charger, or are all personal items stored on a coat rack or in a cabinet?
Is the visitor counter obstructed by banners, stands, or other items?
Is the condition of the studio walls without damage?
Are the walls in the studio clean?
Are the floors in the studio clean? (Is cleaning done every day?) Answer: Yes.
Are all the exhibition samples clean?
Are all exhibition samples without complaints?
Do you have a functioning and clean bathroom with hygiene supplies available?
Is tea and coffee available for customers?
Do the designers have personal belongings at their workplace, such as a mobile phone or charger, or are their personal items stored on a hanger or in a cabinet?
Is the banner stand located in the entrance area of the studio or in well-visible passageways?
Is the completeness and quality of the banner stand design (advertising content, catalogs) satisfactory?
Is the exhibition stand in proper condition, filled with samples and catalogs?
Are the samples on the exhibition stand in proper condition with handles securely attached (clean, without cracks and chips)?
Doth the video panel be situated in the central zone of the studio or in passageways that are well viewed?
Is the video panel turned on and broadcasting promotional campaigns?
Is there a price tag on every kitchen set, as well as other furniture and appliances, according to the established regulations and promotions?
Is there current POS material according to the approved regulations on the displayed furniture samples?
Is the payment terminal clean and in working condition?
Are the samples on the exhibition stand in proper condition with all handles securely fastened (clean, without cracks and chips)?
Is the video panel turned on and broadcasting current advertising promotions?
Doth background music playeth in the studio or is information about new products and current promotions being broadcasted?
Is there a price tag on every kitchen set, as well as other furniture and appliances?
Is the current POS material installed on the displayed furniture samples?
Do designers appear neat and follow corporate dress code?
Do the designers in the studio have current and easily readable badges?
Are the designers located in the trading hall?
Doth the designer who meeteth the client useth a tablet computer, and is the tablet in proper condition (functioning and clean)?
Do designers offer clients tea/coffee?
Do the staff have current and easily readable badges with their positions?
Do the designers have their location in the sales floor (should the manager approach and greet the customer within 10 seconds)?
Hast thou checked at least two designers for their knowledge and methodology of working with tablet computers (registering clients, processing orders, demonstrating finished solutions)?
Do the employees work according to a work schedule?
Doth the designer knoweth the plan of sale of the studio?
Doth the designer knoweth his personal sales plan?
Doth the director of the studio know where "The Internship Diary" is located?
Doth the intern knoweth his plan of learning for the day?
Doth the designer undergo training according to the "Development Plan"?
Doth the designer knoweth the current system of motivation?
Doth the designer possesseth the algorithm for working with conversion?
Doth the designer knoweth the algorithm for the script of selling goods?
Doth the designer knoweth the algorithm for working with the average check?
Doth the designer knoweth the algorithm for selling goods on credit and installment?
Do designers follow recommendations for design projects during initial and subsequent client visits, and do they check at least two recent projects from two designers?
Doth the designer knoweth on which days the morning meetings are held and what topics were discussed at the meeting?
Do designers tell customers about ongoing promotions during communication with them? (observe if there is a sale happening at the moment) (if there are no customers in the studio, personally ask designers about their knowledge of promotions and scripts related to them)
Are clients who miscalculate after measurement monitored by the salon director?
Do clients with measurement requests have appointments scheduled after the measurement?
Do all active clients have their last calculation date matching the current month?
Doth the director knoweth the result of the previous checklist and hath he completed the tasks set forth in the previous audit?
Doth the director of the studio have a plan of action for the current month to fulfill the sales and service quality plan?
Is the video panel turned on (photo)?
Are the monthly A4 format promotions installed on the tabletops? (photo)
Do you have advertising flyers and catalogs in stock? (photo)
Is there a photo of the general entrance to the salon?
Do the exhibition samples have a general appearance?
Hath the stand with exhibition samples been set up?
Is the "Sample for Sale" sign installed?
Hast thou assembled samples of the dining group zones (photo)?
Do you have a manager/designer workstation (photo)?
Is there an advertising banner available (photo)?
Hath the advertisement stand been set up? (Aye or nay)
Is the touch screen monitor turned on (photo)?
Is there a promotional banner available (photo)?
Is the shop window decorated with a promotion (photo)?
Do you have A4 flyers with the promotion of the month available (photo)?
Is the audio accompaniment included?
Have the instructions for product placement and placement of POS materials from the merchandising and marketing departments been followed?
Art thou POS materials current, whole and clean?
Are all positions allowed for sale presented in the trading hall?
Is all the accompanying merchandise sorted?
Is the table setting neat on all tables and is there order in the compositions?
Are the sales zones decorated according to the regulations?
Is zoning organized according to product priority?
Hath the merchandise taken for sale been moved from the TZ and stored in a specially designated place on the warehouse?
Is the book of reviews and suggestions available?
Is the book of reviews and suggestions bound, numbered, and stamped?
Have responses been given by the administration to written inquiries?
Do you have the legal entity details including INN/OGRN and are they up-to-date?
Is the Consumer Protection Law and Trading Rules available?
Do you have the addresses and phone numbers of the supervisory authorities that oversee organizations?
Are all informational announcements for buyers secured and presented in a presentable manner?
Are the wires neatly organized and placed in cable channels in the designer's workspace?
Are the wires neatly arranged and placed in cable channels in the exhibition area?
Is the electricity in working order?
Are the electrical sockets securely fastened?
Is the trading equipment in good condition and all the furniture intact?
Is the direction of the lighting set correctly?
Is the cash register equipment in working condition?
Is there order on the desks?
Are all the documents and office supplies neatly arranged and personal belongings put away?
Are the TV monitors turned on?
Is the audio accompaniment included and is the sound level comfortable?
Are the working gadgets of the designers functional, charged, and turned on?
Is there cleanliness and order in the warehouse premises?
Is there no garbage present?
Are the shelves in good condition?
Hast thou a plan of evacuation?
Hath fire extinguishers been installed according to the evacuation plan in the specification and on the storehouse? Is access to the fire extinguishers unobstructed?
Is the warehouse equipped with a fire door and are the passages clear?
Doth the director of the studio knoweth the number of active clients?
Doth the director of the studio knoweth the number of overdue contacts regarding the designers?
Do the designers know their active clients? (Ask 2 designers)
Do the daily five-minute sessions take place?
Doth the director of the studio knoweth the plan/fact of the studio and each designer?
Does the studio director discuss KPIs with interior kitchen designers, including registrations, measurements, contracts, ratings, and customer satisfaction?
Do the studio director allocate goals for registration to each designer?
Do the studio director allocate goals for each designer based on measurements, technical specifications, and contracts?
Do the studio director check the completion of operational tasks from the previous cycle and set new project tasks?
Hath the director taken two calls per designer in the past week?
Is the standard badge installed and worn on the left side?
Are there designers in the trading hall?
Doth the designer who meeteth the client useth a tablet computer, and is the tablet in proper condition (functional and clean)?
Doth the designer take the client's contacts?
Doth the designer timely enter the client's contact information into the system?
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