The Checklist of Readiness for the Furniture Salon's Opening

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You need to answer all the questions on the checklist to get a result

Are the wires neatly organized and placed in cable channels in the designer's workspace?

Are the wires neatly arranged and placed in cable channels within the exhibition area?

Is the electricity in working condition?

Are the electrical sockets securely fastened?

Is the commercial equipment functional and all the furniture intact?

Is the lighting direction set correctly?

Is the cash register equipment in working condition?

Is there order on the desks?

Are all the documents and office supplies neatly organized and personal belongings put away?

Are the TV monitors turned on?

Is the audio accompaniment included and is the sound level comfortable?

Are the designer's work gadgets functional, charged, and turned on?

Do the warehouse premises maintain cleanliness and orderliness?

Is there no garbage present?

Are the shelves in good condition?

Is the book of reviews and suggestions bound, numbered, and stamped?

Have responses been given by the administration to written inquiries?

Do you have the legal entity details including INN/OGRN and are they up-to-date?

Is the Consumer Protection Law and Trading Rules available?

Do you have the addresses and phone numbers of the supervisory authorities that oversee organizations?

Are all informational announcements for buyers secured and presented in a presentable manner?

Is there an evacuation plan available?

Are the fire extinguishers installed according to the evacuation plan in the technical task and on the warehouse, with free access to them?

Is the warehouse equipped with a fire door and are the passages clear?

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