You need to answer all the questions on the checklist to get a result

Clean and disinfect high-touch areas routinely in accordance with CDC guidelines, particularly in spaces accessible to staff, customers, tenants, or other individuals, particularly following a known or potential exposure;

Maintain current cleaning procedures in all other areas of the facility;

Ensure that the facility has a suDcient number of workers to perform the above protocols effectively.

Immediately separate and send home workers who appear to have COVID-19 symptoms;

Promptly notify workers of any known exposure to COVID-19, subject to conLdentiality requirements in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA);

Clean and disinfect the worksite in accordance with CDC guidelines when a worker has been diagnosed with COVID-19;

Continue to follow all guidelines and directives issued by the New Jersey Department of Health (NJDOH), the CDC, and the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) for maintaining a clean, safe and healthy work environment.

Limit occupancy to 50% of maximum store capacity at one time;

Establish hours of operation speciLcally for the exclusive use of high-risk individuals;

Install a physical barrier, such as a shield guard, between customers and cashiers/baggers where possible and anywhere you cannot maintain 6 feet of distance;

Require regular hand washing, coughing and sneezing etiquette, and proper tissue usage and disposal;

Provide employees break time for regular hand washing;

Arrange for contactless pay options, pickup, or delivery of goods wherever possible;

Provide hand sanitizer and wipes to staff and customers;

Frequently sanitize high-touch areas like restrooms, credit card machines, keypads, counters and shopping carts;

Require infection control practices such as regular hand washing, coughing and sneezing etiquette, and proper tissue usage;

Place conspicuous signage at entrances and throughout the store alerting staff and customers to the required 6 feet of distance;

Demarcate 6 feet of spacing in check-out lines to demonstrate appropriate social distancing;

Require workers and customers to wear cloth face coverings, and require workers to wear gloves. A business must provide, at its own expense, these face coverings and gloves for employees. Customers may be exempted if it would inhibit their health, or if under two years of age. If a customer refuses, they must be denied entry, unless the business is providing medication, medical supplies, or food, in which case another method of pickup should be provided.

Customers can pick up goods outside of an establishment that they have already ordered but cannot enter the brick-and-mortar premises;

Where possible, limit in-store operations to those employees who are responsible for the operations required for curbside pickup;

Where possible, handle customer transactions in advance by phone, email, fax, or other means that avoid person-to-person contact;

Where possible, customers shall notify the retailer by text message, email, or phone once they arrive, or make best efforts to schedule their arrival time in advance. The customer shall be asked to remain in their vehicle, if arriving by car, until store staff delivers the purchase;

Where possible, designated employees shall bring goods outside of the retail establishment and place the goods directly in a customer’s vehicle; and

For retail businesses operating in shopping malls, employees must bring the goods to customers at the exterior of the mall and place them directly in a customer’s vehicle.

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