You need to answer all the questions on the checklist to get a result

The room has memos-information signs on personal and public hygiene.

There is information about the compulsory personal protective equipment for visitors outside the entrance door: masks and gloves.

There is a schedule of sanitary and hygienic measures for the treatment of staff premises and work surfaces

The store has a 5-day supply of personal protective equipment and personal hygiene products: masks, gloves, skin antiseptics, soap, and other consumables for staff

Masks, gloves are changed every 2 hours

All employees are equipped with personal protective equipment and are present at the workplace in personal protective equipment: masks, gloves

Access of employees to the premises is carried out strictly after visual non-contact health monitoring by the responsible person: temperature measurement, determination of the general state of health

Employees comply with the algorithm for the disposal of masks and gloves

The schedule of sanitary and hygienic measures is observed, entries in the disinfection log are made

Employees know and can apply algorithms of actions in case of violation of hygiene rules by visitors

There is an order on the appointment of a person responsible for the implementation of sanitary and anti-epidemic measures at the facility

Training of responsible persons to carry out disinfection of the premises, compliance with personal and public hygiene measures was carried out; this fact is recorded in the log with the signatures of the responsible persons.

All employees were trained in the rules of compliance with sanitary standards, this fact is recorded in the log with the employees' signatures.

Employees carry out wet cleaning of the room (wiping floors, surfaces) with the use of disinfectants; this fact is recorded in the cleaning log

According to the approved frequency, employees conduct airing of the room; this fact is recorded in the airing log

According to the approved frequency, employees carry out wet cleaning of the room (wiping floors, surfaces) with the use of disinfectants; this fact is recorded in the cleaning log

Employees follow the algorithm for the disposal of masks, gloves of visitors

In the room, there is a marking on the distance observance

Bacterial lamps are installed in the room; the lamps are in working condition

There is an organized place for the treatment of hands with skin antiseptics (with an ethyl alcohol content of at least 70% by weight, isopropyl alcohol of at least 60% by weight)

The store has a 5-day supply of personal protective equipment and personal hygiene products: masks, gloves, skin antiseptics for visitors

If incoming visitors do not have their protective equipment, the employee provides a set: a mask, gloves

The employee who performs temperature measurement and diagnostics of the general state of health knows and applies the algorithm of actions in cases of detection of elevated body temperature and signs of viral diseases in visitors

Body temperature measuring device is available

The employee conducting contactless medical monitoring of visitors' health is equipped with personal protective equipment

All visitors are provided with temperature measurement, non-contact visual determination of the general state of health

Security screens are installed at the cash registers

The store has a 5-day supply of antibacterial disinfectants for treating floors, walls, and other surfaces

Before opening the room, all surfaces are wiped with disinfecting solution which visitors come into contact: front door handles, furniture, etc., and this fact is recorded in the cleaning log

Before opening the room, the floor was cleaned with a disinfectant solution; this fact is recorded in the cleaning log

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