You need to answer all the questions on the checklist to get a result

Is there evidence of regular red tagging?

Is there a system for the removal of red tagged items?

Are all unused tools removed from the area?

Are all unwanted materials removed from the area?

Are cupboards/work surfaces clear of clutter?

Are there clear standards for storage?

Are all unnecessary items/work in progress removed from the area?

Are all unnecessary parts/materials removed from machinery/equipment?

Is visual control being adhered to in the area?

Is waste being disposed of correctly?

Are all materials/work in progress located correctly?

Are tools identified and on shadow boards?

Are cleaning materials/utensils located correctly?

Are materials stored correctly?

Is P.P.E stored correctly?

Are ladders stored correctly?

Are pallet trucks stored correctly?

Are stock levels agreed and being adhered to?

Are dividing lines & floor markings correctly colour coded?

Are all items in the area easily identified?

Is the oor clean & free from debris?

Are machines & guards clean?

Are cleaning tools handy/stored/organised/labelled?

Is there a cleaning schedule in place?

Are ancillary & guards kept clean?

Are backs of machines & surrounding areas kept clean?

Are tea hoppers & tops of machines clean?

Is underneath machines kept clean & free from oil?

Are bins clean & regularly emptied?

Are hoovers/lters emptied regularly & clean?

Is the team board standardised/current?

Is there a system for maintaining, clearing up & cleaning?

Are regular 5s audits being carried out?

Is all relevant paperwork current & up to date?

Is the cleaning schedule being adhered to?

Are visual control standards being adhered to?

Is red tagging agreed/correctly documented?

Have visual control standards been identied?

Are shift standards agreed & being adhered to?

Are safety rules being adhered to-glasses/safety shoes etc?

Is the 5s action plan on team board/current?

Is the daily cleaning schedule completed correctly?

Is the 5s audit displayed on the team board?

Is the 5s graph displayed on the team board?

Is the 5s weekly spider graph displayed on the team board?

Are rules & work procedures being adhered to?

Is the red tag process being reviewed & audited?

Is an ongoing review of 5s processes evident?

Is there a plan for 5s training requirements displayed?

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