
6 differences between checklists and surveys in QVALON ☝️

Feb 17, 2021 3 min read

Qvalon Blog article content

QVALON has two tools that may seem similar at first glance but solve completely different issues. We will talk about checklists and surveys.

checklists vs surveys

checklists vs surveys

Checklists and surveys look very similar — a list of questions with multiple-choice answers. Because of this, it may seem that they solve similar problems. Theoretically, using checklists and surveys, you can solve the same problem, for example, to test employees’ knowledge. However, these two tools have more differences than similarities.

Difference 1

A checklist is a verification document formed based on the company’s existing standards and regulated processes, the monitoring of which is essential at any time.

A survey is a form of collecting simple, unstructured information. It is often used in the company’s administrative aspects (collecting information on holidays, ordering office supplies, etc.).

Difference 2

The checklist result is a quality assessment of the implementation of the standard or business process. After receiving the checklist result, we see where employees work well, where they don’t, or in which cases the process is described and organized inefficiently by the office.

The survey result is the information that you need at the moment: data on product balances, the level of knowledge of a particular employee, the delta of competitors’ prices, etc.

Difference 3

Checklists have strictly defined answer options:

  • yes/no;
  • yes/medium/no;
  • from 1 to 5.

In surveys, you can specify any answer options:

  • day;
  • text;
  • date;
  • date and time;
  • download file.

In this case, the user can choose one or more answer options.

Difference 4

When working with a checklist, a linear filling algorithm is used. The auditor can answer all the questions or selectively if the appropriate settings are set.

In surveys, you can create more complex filling algorithms, for example, show a question only if a particular answer was given to the previous question.

Difference 5

Working with the checklist is linked to a specific object that needs to be checked.

You can create a survey task without linking it to a particular facility by selecting all the company’s structural divisions as performers.

Difference 6

The checklists’ task is to obtain analytical information in the dynamics of the implementation quality of standards and processes, which affects the company’s development strategy.

The survey is not a strategic document for making management decisions. This information is needed on a one-time basis, here and now.

Two different tools

We will briefly describe the main differences between checklists and surveys.

Brief comparison

Checklists Surveys
Document type Document based on internal regulations A simple form for collecting information
Result Quality of standard implementation, identified processes/outsiders Collected information
Answer options Strictly defined Free form allowed
Filling algorithm Linear Flexible
Binding to a facility Yes No
Work result Analytical information for the development of new strategies One-time data collection to assess the current situation